Encantadia Wikia

The Labyrinth of Balbal (in Tagalog: Labirinto ng Balbal) is a large maze guarded by the fearsome Balbal, a creature of Ether.

The place contains treasure, which is sought by treasure-hunters and bandidos. It is also the location of the Gintong Binhi, a special item that could revive the dead. Ether stole this item after it was created by Emre.

Balbal usually sneaks at intruders behind its large walls, and attacks them when they least suspect it.

Worlds Tirahan ng Mga Bathala
Encantadia | Buwan ng Encantadia
Mundo ng mga Tao
Kingdoms Hathoria | Sapiro | Lireo | Etheria | Mineave
Heras Hera Andal | Hera Sensa | Hera Aega | Hera Volo
Territories Adamya | Isla ni Cassiopea | Carcero | Ayleb
Adjantao | Ascano | Avalon | Lavanea | Lupain ng mga Nymfas | Punjabwe
Special Puno ng Asnamon | Lagusan ng Pagkaligaw | Himpapawid na Lagusan
Labirinto ng Balbal | Puno ng Buhay | Batis ng Katotohanan | Balasir
Afterlife Devas | Balaak
Other Locations in Mulawin vs. Ravena
Within human world Avila | Halconia | Ed-hen | Lake Venado

Characters | Episodes | Groups | Locations | Gems
Weapons | Objects | Languages | Powers | Culture | Positions
