Encantadia Wikia

Hera Andal is one of the four Heras (subdivisions) of the Kingdom of Etheria. It is the capital of the kingdom.[1]

It is said that Hera Andal had sought to discover the secret of immortality, and they transfer their souls to other individuals in order to achieve such feat.[2]

National emblem[]

Andal banner
The symbol of Hera Andal is two white intertwined snakes,[3] one snake's head on the top and the other's head at the bottom. It was first seen on the sarcophagus of Avria.

Information based on Artwork[]

Etherian soul traansfer

Soul from a deceased Etherian transferred to a living person.


  • The floating palace of Hera Andal in the New Etheria seems to be a "mockery" of Devas.

Version differences[]

  • In the original version:
    • The people of Hera Andal were said to be the experts in magic and medicine.
    • Avria's half-brother Mashna Arkrey, who was the head soldier of the Sapiryan army and secretly being a half-Sapiryan half-Etherian, was hailed from Hera Andal.[4]
    • Mashna Victu was the only known head soldier of the Hera Andal soldiers.
    • Hera Minea was raised by Hara Avria of Etheria and Gurna, a Diwata dama, in Hera Andal.


  1. Episode 157
  2. Noel Layon Flores.
  3. Said to be Encantadia's version of the Ouroboros
  4. Though Arkrey is half-Etherian and half-Sapiryan, it is implied that he has not given a Heran status despite being one of the guardians of Golden Hourglass in the original series.

Worlds Tirahan ng Mga Bathala
Encantadia | Buwan ng Encantadia
Mundo ng mga Tao
Kingdoms Hathoria | Sapiro | Lireo | Etheria | Mineave
Heras Hera Andal | Hera Sensa | Hera Aega | Hera Volo
Territories Adamya | Isla ni Cassiopea | Carcero | Ayleb
Adjantao | Ascano | Avalon | Lavanea | Lupain ng mga Nymfas | Punjabwe
Special Puno ng Asnamon | Lagusan ng Pagkaligaw | Himpapawid na Lagusan
Labirinto ng Balbal | Puno ng Buhay | Batis ng Katotohanan | Balasir
Afterlife Devas | Balaak
Other Locations in Mulawin vs. Ravena
Within human world Avila | Halconia | Ed-hen | Lake Venado

Characters | Episodes | Groups | Locations | Gems
Weapons | Objects | Languages | Powers | Culture | Positions